Wednesday, August 23, 2017

GST on Selling of space for advertisement in print media – Clarification regarding - 23 Aug 2017 (Ministry of Finance)

Query has been raised regarding GST applicable on selling of space for advertisement in print media.

"Summary of the clarification for easy reference"

1- If an agent sells any space for advertising on his own account i.e. by acting as a PRINCIPAL then since such activities will fall under the category of rate i..e.. 5% hence such agent needs to pay GST on an amount of sale of such advertising space to a outside customer against which he can utilized GST paid to the person from whom such space was bought, 

Hence 5% will be an output liability against which 5% paid GST would be eligible as ITC in full.

2- Where an agent works for charging commission on such sales, Since commission income will be chargeable to the rate of 18% hence Person needs to pay 18% GST while paying commission to his agent and at the same time Person will charge GST on the amount for which space for advertising is sold to a customer at the rate of 5%,

Hence 18% paid on commission to his agent can be utilized while paying 5% GST liability on a bill made for his customer...

For full text of the clarification please refer

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